Name: Blueno
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 339
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: Doa Doa
See attack list
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 339
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: Doa Doa
See attack list

Blueno is the owner of frequented bar in Water Seven. In fact this work is a cover, since he is one of the members of CP 9. Blueno has the power of the Doa Doa fruit, that allows him to create doors in the walls with the contact of his body or doors in the air that allow him to teletransportate himself, a perfect power for a spy. Blueno was defeated by Luffy at the top of Enies Lobby's Courthouse. After the Buster Call, and with Enies Lobby destroyed, Blueno used his ability to rescue a wounded Rob Lucci and the rest of CP9.
Name: Charlia
Crew: World Government
Position: Tenryuubito
First Introduced: Chapter 497
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: Tenryuubito
First Introduced: Chapter 497
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

A Tenryuubito who was taking a walk in the Sabaody Archipelago. She was attending with her family to the Human Auction, where his brother, Charlos-sei, tried to buy Camie. Seeing that the ningyo was the cause of his father and brother being injured by the Straw Hats, Charlia would try to kill her, but she felled by "Ambition", produced by Silvers Rayleigh. After the incident, Charlie would order the Marines (including Kizaru) to search frantically for the Straw Hats and promised that she would punish them in revenge.
Name: Charlos
Crew: World Government
Position: Tenryuubito
First Introduced: Chapter 499
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: Tenryuubito
First Introduced: Chapter 499
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

The Tenryuubito that generated one of the greatest chaos seen in the Sabaody Archipelago. Charlos attended at the Human Auction with the intention of buying a ningyo. At the Human Auction, a ningyo was showed as the stelar sale, just what he wanted to buy! He immediately offered a sum of five hundred million berries. Seeing that he could not pay that amount, Hatchan rushes and tried to save Camie, but unfortunately he showed his arms. Charlos would see a great opportunity here to get both a ningyo and a gyojin, and decides to shoot at Hatchan. Luffy, seeing this terrible scene, launched a powerful punch at Charlos. Sabaody is now in chaos, since Straw Hat has beaten a Tenryuubito!
Name: Chuou Baskerville
Crew: World Government
Position: Judge
First Introduced: Chapter 379
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: Judge
First Introduced: Chapter 379
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

Baskerville is the judge of the court of Enies Lobby, the Judicial Island. The judge is formed by three brothers with malformations that formed three-headed. Chuou Baskerville is the brother on the centre, the one who has the long legs and the short arms. Chuou Baskerville always requests the execution for the criminals. Aside from all this, he also invents stupid names to define itself, for example when the three brothers separate he calls himself Hime-sama (princess).
Name: Corgi
Crew: World Government
Position: Agent
First Introduced: Chapter 327
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: Agent
First Introduced: Chapter 327
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

Corgi is an agent of the World Government who arrives at Water Seven to speak with Iceberg about Robin and the Pluton blueprints. Later, he attends CP9 in their mission.
Name: Donquixote Mjosgard
Crew: World Government
Position: Tenryuubito
First Introduced: Chapter 625
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: Tenryuubito
First Introduced: Chapter 625
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

Mjosgard-sei is a Tenryuubito who traveled to Gyojin Island with the intention of reclaiming his fugitive slaves, but on the way his ship was damaged and he was severely injured. He shipwreck to Gyojin Island, where some slaves tried to avenge him taking advantage of his situation, but the Queen Otohime jumped to his defense. Mjosgard-sei recovered from his wounds thanks to Aladdin treatment, after which, at the request of Otohime, took her in gratitude to the surface, where she obtained a letter of recommendation for the Levely.
Name: Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro
Crew: World Government
Position: Gorousei
First Introduced: Chapter 233
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: Gorousei
First Introduced: Chapter 233
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

Name: Figarland Garling
Crew: World Government
Position: Holy Knights Supreme Commander
First Introduced: Chapter 1086
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: Holy Knights Supreme Commander
First Introduced: Chapter 1086
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

Name: Fukurou
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 375
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
See attack list
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 375
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
See attack list

His name means "owl" and he also compares his battle style with the one of an owl. He characterized for having a zip in his mouth, since he is incapable to keep secrets and he tells them to everybody. He can measure the force of the rest of members of the CP9 with a measurement called Douriki.
Name: Gatherine
Crew: World Government
Position: Waitress
First Introduced: Chapter 379
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: Waitress
First Introduced: Chapter 379
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

She is the Waitress at Enies Lobby, the one that rejected coldly Jabra, breaking his heart. The rumour of what happened has extended over the entire island thanks to Fukurou, everyone spoke about it now.
Name: Gismonda
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 705
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 705
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

Name: Guernica
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 705
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 705
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

Name: Hattori
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 326
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 326
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

Hattori is the pigeon that Lucci takes in his shoulder. During his stay in Water 7 Lucci uses Hattori as interpreter to communicate, all thought that Lucci was dumb or that he was a ventriloquist. But the real reason was that he was trying to hide his voice so that they did not relate him with to the World Government.
Name: Hidari Baskerville
Crew: World Government
Position: Judge
First Introduced: Chapter 379
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: Judge
First Introduced: Chapter 379
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

Baskerville is the judge of the court of Enies Lobby, the Judicial Island. Hidari Baskerville is the left head of the judge Baskerville. When the time for a verdict comes, Migi Baskerville usually recommends punishing the criminals. When the three brothers than forms the three-headed separates, he calls himself "Kerville".
Name: Houbantai
Crew: World Government
Position: Enies Lobby Guard
First Introduced: Chapter 380
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: Enies Lobby Guard
First Introduced: Chapter 380
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

The Houbantai is a unit of canine riders. They are agil and fast when they attack. They were sent by judge Baskerville to help Oimo and Kashii in the defense of the Island Gate of Enies Lobby.
Name: Imu
Crew: World Government
Position: King
First Introduced: Chapter 906
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: King
First Introduced: Chapter 906
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

Name: Jabra
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 375
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: Inu Inu
See attack list
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 375
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: Inu Inu
See attack list

The third strongest member of CP9, is extremely competitive, and was outraged that both Lucci and Kaku were deemed stronger than him. Jabra ate the Inu Inu no Mi model Wolf, reason why he represents Lucci's Nemesis (dog and cat). His battle style is based on Tekkai Kenpo, this technique allows him to have always activated Tekkai and use it while he moves, being the only CP9 able to do it. Jabra also emphasizes by his lies and tricks to win the fights.
Name: Jalmack
Crew: World Government
Position: Tenryuubito
First Introduced: Chapter 588
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: Tenryuubito
First Introduced: Chapter 588
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

A Tenryuubito traveling with the World Government inspectors around the East Blue. When his ship arrived at Goa Kingdom, the fishing boat that Sabo stole to start his adventure as a pirate got in their way. Taking it as an offense, Jalmack sank the ship with his bazooka.
Name: Jay Garcia Saturn
Crew: World Government
Position: Gorousei
First Introduced: Chapter 233
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: Gorousei
First Introduced: Chapter 233
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

Name: Jerry
Crew: World Government
Position: CP6
First Introduced: Chapter 362
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
See attack list
Crew: World Government
Position: CP6
First Introduced: Chapter 362
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
See attack list

CP6 member which guards the last car of Puffing Tom during the prisoners transfer to Enies Lobby. He is the boxing champion from Karate Island in South Blue.
Name: Jorge
Crew: World Government
Position: Judge
First Introduced: Chapter 353
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: Judge
First Introduced: Chapter 353
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

The judge from the Shihousen, the judicial ship from the World Government that came to Water Seven to judge Tom for building the Pirate King's ship , the Oro Jackson. Jorge agreed to forgive Tom for his crime in exchange for him to create the Umi Ressha. However, Spamdam used the Battle Franky fleet to attack them when Jorge returned to see the results, making Tom and his apprentices responsible for what happened. Then, Tom asked for the sentence to be changed so that the construction of the Umi Ressha pardons them for the attack, as he would proudly die for creating the Pirate King's ship. Judge Jorge agreed with his request.
Name: Joseph
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 705
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 705
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

Name: Kaku
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 325
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: Ushi Ushi
See attack list
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 325
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: Ushi Ushi
See attack list

Kaku is on the of 5 main shipwrights for the Galley-La company stationed at Dock 1. He is known as "Yamakaze" or Mountain Wind because of the way he jumps across Water 7 quickly. He inspects the shape of a ship and reports it back to the main dock. His job is just a cover, he is a secret agent of the CP9 working for the government. Kaku is the second most powerful of the CP9 and has eaten the Ushi Ushi fruit, model giraffe.
Name: Kalifa
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 326
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: Awa Awa
See attack list
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 326
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: Awa Awa
See attack list

Kalifa was introduced as the secretary of Iceberg in the Galley-La company, but it was not more than a cover to spy him and manage to find the whereabout of Pluton's blueprints. Kalifa is an outspoken feminist, she considered any offense of her superiors as "sexual harassment". Kalifa has eaten the Awa Awa fruit, that gives her the powers to become a soap woman. In Enies Lobby, Kalifa defeated Sanji due his inability to hit a woman, Nami then took his fight and managed to defeat her.
Name: Kong
Crew: World Government
Position: Fleet Commander
First Introduced: Chapter 524
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: Fleet Commander
First Introduced: Chapter 524
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

He is the commander of the military forces of the World Government. At Roger's time, he was the former Fleet Admiral of the Grand Line Marine Headquarters.
Name: Kumadori
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 375
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
See attack list
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 375
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
See attack list

Kumadori is a kabuki actor and always speech in a poetic way. He always is trying to suicide committing Seppuku, but he uses his powers (Tekkai) to avoid this from happening and thanks his death mother for saving his life once again. Kumadori doesn’t have any special power, but its long hair moves at his own, reason why he calls himself "lion".
Name: Laskey
Crew: World Government
Position: CP9
First Introduced: Chapter 393
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: CP9
First Introduced: Chapter 393
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

Laskey is Kalifa's father, one of the two CP9 officers who accompanied Spandine during Ohara's investigation.
Name: Maha
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 929
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 929
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

Name: Marcus Mars
Crew: World Government
Position: Gorousei
First Introduced: Chapter 233
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: Gorousei
First Introduced: Chapter 233
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

Name: Migi Baskerville
Crew: World Government
Position: Judge
First Introduced: Chapter 379
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: Judge
First Introduced: Chapter 379
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

Baskerville is the judge of the court of Enies Lobby, the Judicial Island. Migi Baskerville is the right head of the judge Baskerville. When the time for a verdict comes, Migi Baskerville usually recommends to let escape the criminals. When the three brothers than forms the three-headed separates, he calls himself "Bas".
Name: Nero
Crew: World Government
Position: CP9
First Introduced: Chapter 370
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
See attack list
Crew: World Government
Position: CP9
First Introduced: Chapter 370
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
See attack list

Known as the "Sea Weasel", Nero is the newest member of CP9. He was assigned to protect the car 3 of the Puffing Tom. Unlike his fellow agents, Nero has only mastered four of the Rokushiki techniques: Soru, Kamie, Geppou and Rankyaku so he uses Yonshiki. He compensates for the lack of Shigan by using two guns. Nero was defeated by Franky on the roof of the Puffing Tom.
Name: Pluming
Crew: World Government
Position: Tenryuubito
First Introduced: Chapter 1083
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: Tenryuubito
First Introduced: Chapter 1083
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

Name: Rob Lucci
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 326
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: Neko Neko
See attack list
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 326
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: Neko Neko
See attack list

Lucci is a secret agent of the government that works hidden in the Galley-La company. He is a member of the CP9, a group trained to surpass the human limits. He is the strongest member of the CP9 and he has the power of the Neko Neko no Mi, model leopard.
Name: Rosward
Crew: World Government
Position: Tenryuubito
First Introduced: Chapter 497
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: Tenryuubito
First Introduced: Chapter 497
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

He is a Tenryuubito from one of the most prestigious families. His first appearance was in the Sabaody Archipelago, along with her daughter Charlia-guu. Both brought as a prisoner to Devil Dias, who tried to run from them with the consequently detonation of his collar. Later, Rosward entered in the Human Auction, where was his other son, Charlos-sei, who tried to buy Camie, when he would see how his child would be beaten by Straw Hat. Annoyed, he would ask that an Admiral immediately came to punish these pirates who dared to beat his son. But before proceeding with his demands, Usopp falled from the roof mounting a Flying Fish, and fall upon him, wounding him severely.
Name: Salou
Crew: World Government
Position: Tenryuubito Pet
First Introduced: Chapter 497
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: Tenryuubito Pet
First Introduced: Chapter 497
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

The pet dog of Rosward-sei. He pee over a badly wounded body of Devil Dias after his slave necklace detonated.
Name: Shepherd Ju Peter
Crew: World Government
Position: Gorousei
First Introduced: Chapter 233
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: Gorousei
First Introduced: Chapter 233
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

Name: Spandam
Crew: World Government
Position: CP9: Commander in Chief
First Introduced: Chapter 355
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
See attack list
Crew: World Government
Position: CP9: Commander in Chief
First Introduced: Chapter 355
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
See attack list

Spandam once was the leader of the CP5, that was assigned by the government to recover Pluton's blueprints and the one who captured Tom for the crime of creating the Roger’s ship, the Oro Jackson. Now years later, Spandam is the leader of the CP9 and his main mission continues being the same one, to recover Pluton's blueprints. Unlike the rest of the CP9 members, Spandam is not strong but he is a great leader and a strategist.
Name: Spandine
Crew: World Government
Position: CP9: Commander in Chief
First Introduced: Chapter 391
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: CP9: Commander in Chief
First Introduced: Chapter 391
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

Spandine was the Commander in Chief of CP9 twenty years ago. Spandine led the investigation of Ohara, which in truth was nothing but a formality before he initialized the Buster Call on the island, through the Golden Den Den Mushi. Spandine was the one who shot Robin's mentor, Doctor Clover, before he could reveal the result of the Oharan scholars' work, and also briefly recaptured Robin's mother, Nico Olvia. It is because of him that a 79 million Berries bounty was put on Robin, because he knows that Robin is a scholar who escaped from the island. As Spandine is Spandam's father, he passed him his title in the CP9.
Name: Stussy
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 860
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
See attack list
Crew: World Government
Position: CP0
First Introduced: Chapter 860
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
See attack list

Name: Topman Warcury
Crew: World Government
Position: Gorousei
First Introduced: Chapter 233
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Crew: World Government
Position: Gorousei
First Introduced: Chapter 233
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -

Name: Wanze
Crew: World Government
Position: CP7
First Introduced: Chapter 369
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
See attack list
Crew: World Government
Position: CP7
First Introduced: Chapter 369
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
See attack list

Wanze is the culinary fighter of the CP7 which has mastered the Ramen Kenpo. He was assigned to protect the car 4 of the Puffing Tom. He prepare Ramen eating flour and throwing it from his nose. He can also use his Ramen abilities as weapon or to create armour for fighting. He has an almost permanent smile on his face even when he's afraid, which hides his incredible reflexes. Sanji defeated him.