Attack Guide
According Jerry himself, he is native from a South Blue island where he was a boxing champion. For the attack, he uses boxing techniques, although in his attacks he completely forgets the rules of boxing and uses kicks.
Jerry Aurora Flicker Jab
Kanji: ジェリー オーロラ フリッカー ジャブTranslation: Jerry Aurora Flicker Jab
A rain of of fast boxing jabs, although once he starts the attack Jerry usually doesn't pay attention where he strikes.

Screw Drop Kick
Kanji: スクリュー ドロップ キックTranslation: Screw Drop Kick
From the "Yoga One Two" stance, Jerry turns over himself and he sends himself in a revolving frontal kick against his opponent. If he finds a wall he can use it to lean and to resume the attack.

Yoga One Two
Kanji: ヨガ1・2(ワン・トゥー)Translation: Yoga One Two
According to Jerry, a yoga stance that gives him advantage in close places, although in fact it only shortens his reach.