
Name: Gerd
Crew: New Kyohei Pirates
Position: Doctor
First Introduced: Chapter 866
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Gerd Gerd 2 years later
Name: Goldberg
Crew: New Kyohei Pirates
Position: Cook
First Introduced: Chapter 899
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Name: Hajrudin
Crew: New Kyohei Pirates
Position: Captain
First Introduced: Chapter 706
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
See attack list
Hajrudin past Hajrudin
Name: Road
Crew: New Kyohei Pirates
Position: Navigator
First Introduced: Chapter 898
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Name: Stansen
Crew: New Kyohei Pirates
Position: Shipwright
First Introduced: Chapter 500
Bounty: 0 Berries
Devil Fruit: -
Stansen past Stansen Stansen 2 years later
Stansen is the giant who was captured by the Coffee Monkeys. He was the main sale of the Human Auction, until Petterman came with Camie. He escaped from the auction with the help of Rayleigh and the Straw Hat crew.