Attack Guide
Marshall D. Teach
Black Hole
Kanji: 闇穴道(ブラック・ホール)Translation: Black Hole
Teach covers the ground from a great area to his around with the dark, that swallowed everything what is in its surface.

Kanji: 震破(グラッシュ)Translation: Gurash
Kuro Uzu
Kanji: 闇水(くろうず)Translation: Dark Vortex
With the palm of his hand Teach attracts his opponent, in case of being a usuary of the Akuma no Mi abilities, to neutralize its powers and can strike him even if he if a Logia.

Kanji: 解放(リベレイション)Translation: Liberation
After using "Black Hole", Teach creates a dark column that expels everything that was previously absorbed.