Attack Guide
Trafalgar D. Water Law
Kanji: 切断(アンピュテート)Translation: Amputate
Kanji: 麻酔(アナススィージャ)Translation: Anaesthesia
Kanji: シャンブルズTranslation: Chamber
After usin his "Room" technique, with his sword, Law undoes all body parts of one or more enemies. Those affected do not die when they limbs are cut, and even live if their head was removed. Once done, he can exchange the position of the objects in the circle, such as a cannonball for a head.
Kanji: カウンターショックTranslation: Countershock
Law creates a powerful electric shock over the chest of his opponent, similar to a defibrillator, able knock him out. The "countershock" is a electroshoks therapy.
Kanji: 抗菌武装(カーテン)Translation: Curtain
Gamma Knife
Kanji: ガンマナイフTranslation: Gamma Knife
Injection Shot
Kanji: 注射(インジェクション)ショットTranslation: Injection Shot
K Room
Kanji: K・ROOM(ク・ルーム)Translation: K Room
Kanji: メスTranslation: Scalpel
Inside his "Room", with a impulse of his arm, Law is able to cast a energy wave capable of performing a clean cut on his opponent taking out one of his vital organs, such as the heart. "Mes" is the Dutch word for "scalpel".
Puncture Wille
Kanji: 穿刺波動(パンクチャーヴィレ)Translation: Puncture Will
R Room
Kanji: R・ROOM(リ・ルーム)Translation: R Room
Radio Knife
Kanji: ラジオナイフTranslation: Radio Knife
Kanji: ROOM(ルーム)Translation: Room
This is Law's basic technique. With his ability, Law calls for a huge circle that apparently has no effect. This circle becomes the operating table in his particular "operation room", in which he has complete control over everithing on it through his other techniques.
Kanji: スキャンTranslation: Scan
Law scans of subjects in his "Room" in search of a hidden object, for example, in search of the Ko Den Den Mushi in their pockets.
Shock Wille
Kanji: 衝撃波動(ショックヴィレ)Translation: Shock Will
Kanji: 凪(サイレント)Translation: Silent
Kanji: 死の刀(ステルベン)Translation: Decease
Kanji: タクトTranslation: Baton
Law moves an object inside his "Room" moving his index finger as a baton.