Attack Guide
Fuza's Wrath
Kanji: フザ・ウォースTranslation: Fuza's Wrath
Shura has Fuza use the "Flame Dial" in his mouth to breathe a large blast of fire.
Heat Javelin
Kanji: 熱の槍(ヒートジャベリン)Translation: Heat Javelin
Shura uses the Heat Dial embedded in his lance to generate intense heat. Anything the lance strikes catches fire.
Himo no Shiren
Kanji: 紐の試練Translation: Ordeal of String
Shura's Ordel of String, consists of many nearly-invisible strings interlaces from tree to tree like a web. These strings catch his enemies and leaves them immobilized.
Kanji: 心綱(マントラ)Translation: Mantra
A ability possessed by Enel and his Priests that allows them to sense people's presences nearby and read their thoughts, however it does take a good deal of concentration to keep active.