Attack Guide
Monkey D. Garp
Monkey D. Garp is one of the most important Vice Admirals of the Marines. As Sengoku's right hand, Garp is a powerful Marine, he has a legendary strength, that even made him cornered several times the Pirate King Gol D Roger. Garp battle style is based solely on his tremendous brute force, capable of hitting even the Akuma no Mi users, whatever their ability is (since he sais that there is no defense for his "love fist").
In addition to his great strength, Garp is able to throw somo cannonballs at high speed, even more powerfull than a conventional cannon.
In addition to his great strength, Garp is able to throw somo cannonballs at high speed, even more powerfull than a conventional cannon.
Blue Hole
Kanji: 海底落下(ブルーホール)Translation: Blue Hole
Galaxy Divide
Kanji: 拳骨唐竹割(ギャラクシーディバイド)Translation: Galaxy Divide
Galaxy Impact
Kanji: 拳骨衝突(ギャラクシーインパクト)Translation: Galaxy Impact
Gen Kotsu Meteo
Kanji: 拳骨隕石(メテオ)Translation: Fist Meteo
Garp launches a cannonball with his bare hand with more powerful and faster than a current cannon shot.

Gen Kotsu Ryuuseigun
Kanji: 拳骨流星群Translation: Fist Meteor Swarm
Same attack as "Gene Kotsu Meteo", but this time Garp sends 1.000 cannonballs one after another instead of a single one.

Kaizoku Hi no Tama
Kanji: 海賊火の玉Translation: Pirate Fireballs