Episode 1.087 RAW

Versión en inglés de las noticias y novedades de OP-PirateKing.
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Edad: 42

Episode 1.087 RAW

Mensaje por Citan »

The war on the Island of Women! The hero Koby's case:

Amazon Lily has just overcome a battle, but Hancock thinks of nothing else but marrying Luffy. A few weeks ago, the island was under siege by the Marine, which had some new Pacifistas models called “Seraphim”. The Kurohige Pirates arrived to join the battle with the intention of taking Hancock's power. This same power was able to stop both sides by turning everyone into stone except for Kurohige and Koby. Kurohige manages to catch Hancock, but Hancock warns him that his men will be eternally petrified.

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