Episode 1.002 RAW

Versión en inglés de las noticias y novedades de OP-PirateKing.
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Ubicación: Isla Sogeki, en el interior de vuestros corazones
Edad: 40

Episode 1.002 RAW

Mensaje por H-Samba »

A new connection! Nami and Ulti!:

The Straw Hat crew doubts about Drake's intentions, but Luffy still agrees to let him fight on their side. Page One fight his way through the samurai until he 's hit by an attack from Usopp. Ulti searches for the one responsible while Usopp hides behind Nami, causing her fury to fall on both of them. Apoo appears with Haccha to confront Luffy, but the giant is attracted by the Franky Shougun and runs after him. Suddenly Queen fires his gatling gun at Drake, indiscriminately wounding anyone on the Live Floor. Drake doesn't understand why he is using such a weapon against him, unless there is something special about those bullets.


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人はいつ死ぬと思う? 心臓をピストルで打ち抜かれた時。違う! 不治の病に冒された時。違う!!