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Chapter 1.103 Manga Plus

Publicado: Vie Ene 05, 2024 4:03 pm
por H-Samba
Sorry, daddy:

Bonney leaves the Nikyu Room and hugs Vegapunk, apologizing and crying. Vegapunk gives Bonney a gift that Kuma left her for his tenth birthday, a pendant representing the sun. Back in the present, Bonney uses her ability to transform into his vision of Nika to try to deal with Saturn. Someone has brought food to Luffy and Saturn notices that he is recovering with it, so he orders the Marine to put kairouseki shackles on him. Saturn confesses that Bonney and his mother's illness was a product of his research. Suddenly, Kuma arrives at Egghead and breaks through the Marine's defenses, which at first mistake him for another Pacifista. Kuma makes his way to Bonney and manages to protect her by shielding her from Saturn's attack. Kuma removes Saturn's bloody leg from his back as he prepares to strike him back.


Read this chapter at Manga Plus.