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Episode 1. 079 RAW

Publicado: Dom Oct 15, 2023 4:43 pm
por Citan
The morning comes! Luffy and the others rest!:

In the ruins of Onigashima, Hawkins decides to come clean with Drake by admitting that the person that would not see tomorrow of his prediction was himself. Seven days after the battle, changes are already beginning to be reflected in Wanokuni. At the school there is a new teacher who instructs the children about the real history of Oden. Kinemon and Kawamatsu decide that a temple should be erected in honor of Oden and those who fell in battle, such as Ashura and Izou. Meanwhile, at the castle Luffy and Zoro have just regained consciousness after recovering from their wounds. After a great feast, they all decide to relax by taking a bath. But the tranquility will not last long, at Tokage Port, Apoo shows Kid and Law the new rewards released. At the same time, Ryokugyuu heads to Wanokuni while Sakazuki tries to convince him not make things worse.
