Episode 992 RAW

Versión en inglés de las noticias y novedades de OP-PirateKing.
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Ubicación: Isla Sogeki, en el interior de vuestros corazones
Edad: 40

Episode 992 RAW

Mensaje por H-Samba »

I want to be Oden. Yamato's desire:

After hearing Ace's name, Luffy calms down and decides to give Yamato a moment to explain himself. On the Dokuro Dome stage, all the samurai infiltrated in the party watch Orochi announce Momonosuke as proof of Toki's prophecy. Meanwhile, Law's team is already approaching the back of the island, leaving the Red Scabbards in the back door. There, everyone meets with Nekomamoshi and Izou. Luffy and Yamato have moved to the attic to talk quietly. Yamato explains that he witnessed the legendary hour when Oden survived boiling in oil. Moved by that man, he decided to take his will and open the borders of the country with his logbook as a bible. But for this he requires the help of Luffy, who reminds him of Ace.


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人はいつ死ぬと思う? 心臓をピストルで打ち抜かれた時。違う! 不治の病に冒された時。違う!!