Episode 963 RAW

Versión en inglés de las noticias y novedades de OP-PirateKing.
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Ubicación: Isla Sogeki, en el interior de vuestros corazones
Edad: 40

Episode 963 RAW

Mensaje por H-Samba »

Oden's determination! Shirohige's test!:

After hearing of the arrival of pirates, Oden runs to the coast and faces Newgate. Oden tries to convince the Shirohige Pirates to allow him to travel on their ship, but Newgate doesn't believe that someone like him can follow his orders. When the pirates get ready to leave Wanokuni, Oden ties to the ship with a chain while Izou tries to stop him. Marco rescues Izou and takes him aboard the ship, where he is captured by the pirates. Newgate proposes Oden to endure three days holding the chain, if he manages to pass, he promises to accept him in his crew. However, Oden ends up letting go after hearing the cries for help from a woman who is being attacked by pirates.


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人はいつ死ぬと思う? 心臓をピストルで打ち抜かれた時。違う! 不治の病に冒された時。違う!!